Moss Traumatic Brain Injury Model System

Thomas Jefferson University

5501 Old York Road
Philadelphia PA 19141-3018

Project Officer: Kirstin Painter, Ph.D.
Project Number: 90DPTB0019

This project conducts new research; disseminates new knowledge to clinicians, researchers, and persons affected by traumatic brain injury (TBI); and provides state-of-the-art clinical care to persons with TBI in greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey. The goal of this project is to create and disseminate new knowledge to improve health, function, and quality of life for people with TBI. Objectives are to: (1) study the effects of an innovative remotely delivered program to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior in persons living with chronic TBI; (2) develop and validate a measure of functional outcome after moderate to severe TBI with sufficient precision to detect meaningful functional change in clinical research studies; (3) continue significant contributions to the TBI Model System National Database by recruiting 175 new participants and following the 1,350 enrolled in previous years; and (4) conduct education and training to enhance knowledge of people with brain injury, their families, and professionals. Project outputs include a regional conference for people with TBI and their families; protocols, guidelines, and treatment materials for promoting physical activity, maximizing learning in inpatient rehabilitation, and remote delivery of cognitive rehabilitation via telehealth; and educational materials including professional publications and presentations reporting research results.
Amanda Rabinowitz, Ph.D.
Project 663-6526
John Whyte, MD, Ph.D.
Co-Project 663-6872
Thomas Watanabe, M.D.
Clinical 663-6872
Stephen Faha
Database 663-6966
Kelly McLaughlin
Follow-Up 663-6411
Monica Vaccaro, M.S. 663-6260
Mary Ferraro PhD, OTR/L
KT 663-6372
Umi Venkatesan
Institute 663-6153
Mackenzie Kapples
Research 663-6560
Jacob Koffer 888-5865
Lauren Krasucki
Lab 663-6492
Devon Lawson
Clinical Research 663-6427
Dennis Tirri
Research 663-6415
Alissa Kerr
Research 663-6415
McKenzie Buszkiewic
Research 663-6089