The Ohio Regional TBI Model System

Ohio State University
Wexner Medical Center, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
1960 Kenny Road
Columbus OH 43210-1016

Project Officer: Kirstin Painter, Ph.D.
Project Number: 90DPTB0026

The goals of the Ohio Regional Traumatic Brain Injury Model System (ORTBIMS) are: (1) to provide rehabilitation services in a comprehensive and coordinated system of care serving 3.5 million people in 37 counties covering central and southeastern Ohio; conduct one local and one module research project, both projects are exploratory and designed to gain new knowledge on environmental facilitators and barriers on outcomes following traumatic brain injury (TBI); (3) continue contributing to the TBIMS national database by recruiting 35 subjects per year and conducting follow-up interviews with established TBIMS participants; (4) disseminate timely and appropriate information for clinical practice, research, and policy to consumers, advocates, practicing professionals, and students in professional training; and (5) collaborate with several national consumer and professional organizations as well as the Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) to increase knowledge dissemination related to TBI. The site-specific project examines social determinants of health, their effect on outcomes, and sources of actionable intervention. The module project examines the effect on outcomes of state programs and services in the context of other social supports received. Researchers utilize both quantitative and qualitative research methods and recruitment strategies to ensure applicable knowledge for individuals from under-represented racial/ethnic backgrounds, as well as women and persons living in rural areas. The outcomes of this project include newly generated data on how environmental facilitators and social determinates of health (e.g., living conditions, discrimination, nutritional needs, etc.) effect outcomes following TBI; and resources for actionable interventions including specialized, outpatient treatment programs for individuals with TBI and substance use disorders; and a free resource and education program, Ohio Brain Injury Connection, for any Ohioan with a brain injury or their family.
Jennifer A. Bogner, Ph.D.
Project 293-3830
John D. Corrigan, Ph.D.
Project 293-3830
Sheital Bavishi, D.O.
Medical 293-7604
Mike Mahaffey
Clinical Research 293-6521
Ally Guiher
Clinical Research Manager and Regulatory 688-9206
Nicole Fonalski
Postdoctoral Rehab Psychology 688-7587
Kim Lopez Yoojin 623-4434
Dorinda Hammond
Clinical Research 366-3877
Katie Zuehlke
Student Research Assistantzueh01@osumc.edu6142931454
Omondi Israel
Student 899-7888
Kathryn Hyzak
Assistant Professor - Provost's 344-2173