Indiana University / Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana

Indiana University School of Medicine
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
4141 Shore Dr.
Indianapolis IN 46254

Project Officer: Amanda Reichard, Ph.D.
Project Number: 90DPTB0022

This project aims to improve the lives of those affected by traumatic brain injury (TBI) through the following objectives: (1) to continue providing enrollment, follow-up, quality data, and leadership to the TBI Model Systems; (2) to evaluate feasibility and early efficacy of a remotely-delivered program designed to improve affect recognition and empathy in persons with TBI with pre-post (immediate, 3-, and 6-month) assessments; and (3) to produce knowledge about TBI rehabilitation and long-term consequences through multi-site research, including a study on relationship attributions and emotional regulation responses effect on anger and aggression in individuals with TBI. Research results are expected to directly improve clinical care, outcomes, and quality of life for people with TBI, especially those encountering interpersonal and emotion regulation challenges. Project outcomes include: (1) meeting or exceeding benchmarks for enrollment and follow up on all studies, (2) knowledge regarding evidence-based affect recognition and empathy treatment with increased consumer and provider awareness of the problem and its treatment, and (3) successful implementation and collaboration on module projects. Dissemination efforts target clinical providers and individuals with TBI and their families. Expected products include a consumer toolbox (e.g., infographics, factsheets, tip cards, and videos) and provider tools (e.g., publications, presentations, instructional workshops, treatment manual, and software application) to increase awareness and knowledge translation regarding TBI rehabilitation and long-term consequences, anger and aggression regulation, and remote affect recognition and empathy treatment in persons with TBI. This project is in partnership with Indiana University, Indiana University Health, St. Vincent Health, Rehabilitation Hospital of Indiana, the TBI community, and other key stakeholders.
Flora Hammond, M.D.
Executive Committee Chair
Project 329-2106
Becky Runkel, MHA
Clinical Research 329-2217
Darby Dyar
Clinical Research 329-2529
Amber Armstrong
Clinical Research 329-2131
Amanda Melton
Clinical Research 329-2131
Molly Overkamp
Clinical Research 329-2044
Hikam Mohamed
Clinical Research 408-4895
Payton Mittman
Clinical Research 269-9379
Erin Inks
Clinical Research 329-2224
Tony Laffoon
Clinical Research 329-2190
Ann Ebersole
Clinical Research Specialist/NeuroResource 385-3677